21 de septiembre de 2011

Un poco de sentimiento en ingles

Hola a todos mis amigos bloggeros espero que esten muy bien mejor que yo, pero bueno a lo que voy, se me ocurrio escribirles un poco en ingles, la verdad no lo se ^3^ pero queria ver cuanto sabia hablar en ingles bueno ahi les voy...

Hello everyone, I hope this very well, better than I, was listening to the radio today and I cruse a song I really liked is called save the world of Swedish House Mafia is a very good song I recommend them, turned on the computer and find the song on youtube, and the only thing I liked about the video was shown giving a lesson about dogs to a few thieves, so this is not the song, but seeing as English ablate wise, I admit I did not know pronounce you consult with my good friend google translator ^3^.

Well, about my episode of "casos de jaladas reales" is in the process of creation, I'm doing the drawings and the story as a high school friend asked me if I could get into the story, which is a little late development.

OK here I say goodbye, because I do not know what else to put them in english because I do not remember more words in english.

I leave you with the good songs they talked :D leave them, take care and God bless you all ;D, and remember, do not listen reggeton, I will destroy the brain O3O.

La verdad esto lo escribi para la clase de ingles de mi prepa, hoy teniamos que exponer un verso como si estubieramos narrando un acontecimiento de un "tipico dia en la vida de Carlos Dominic Wolf" o algo por el estilo, el texto lo hicimos entre mis compañeros de equipo y yo.

Bueno espero que les alla gustado, y como dice lo ultimo verso de la oracion.... se cuidan y que DIOS los bendiga ;D, y recuerden, no escuchen reggeton x( les destruira el cerebro O3O.

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